Thursday, January 23, 2014

Whiteboards on Street Self Defense...

Should we defend ourselves? Why self defense?

Developing the capacity for self-defense involves understanding the most common forms of violence suffered by women, the common social and psychological barriers faced by women learning how to respond to most used attacks. Self-defense is a set of physical, psychological, and verbal techniques that can be used to defend ourselves in adverse situations...

I'm doing self defense workshops in schools and colleges... And I'll post a few whiteboards that might be of interest to you... If you want to learn a particular technique or have feedback for me, write to me :)

Latest occurrence of rape in a Chennai bound train... Need I say more about why I am trying to teach the female population? They are targets and the crime rates are high. Good girls do fight back !

Here's the Crime and Safety Report - India for the year 2013...

A few bruises here and there is better than having physical and psychological damage for months together. Let me say that again, Good girls do fight back!

Self-defense gives us the ability to respect and defend our rights and decisions, to express freely what we feel and think and what we agree / disagree on and equips us with the necessary tools to face attacks. Therefore self-defense is a key component of empowerment for women. 

Caveat: If you want a one or two hour session at your school, or college... Get in touch with me through e-mail. Don't expect me to write letters, give you my resume or do any formal paperwork to teach your students. I'm teaching your students for FREE & for a good cause, so cut me some slack !


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